New Owner Search


Montgomery County's online database of real estate assessment and property information allows searches by owner name, parcel ID or address. Basic information available includes tax map number, owner's name and address, legal description, land size, current assessment and residential property sketches.

Real estate assessments are based on 100% of fair market value and are equitable with the assessment of comparable properties. Assessed values are effective from Jan. 1, 2023 through Dec. 31, 2026. Values are subject to change due to additions or subtractions that occur to a parcel.

Montgomery County is required by the Virginia State Code to reassess all Real Estate parcels every four years to determine the fair market value for tax purposes.

The real estate tax rate for 2024 is 75 cents per $100 of property value. In addition, Blacksburg and Christiansburg town residents also pay town real estate tax. Please visit the respective town websites for their tax rate details. For more information or to report discrepancies or errors, please contact the Commissioner of the Revenue's Office at (540) 382-5717 or email

Type in the full name (LastName FirstName without commas - e.g. Smith John) or part of the full name into the search box above. Use the * as a wild card to match any string of characters, for example:

Type Returns
Brown, Barrow, Below, etc.
Bojarski, Bronowski, Bukowski, etc.